Region 26 Competition 2023
Every year, each region hosts a regional competition and convention. This year, our Region 26 competition was held in Saskatoon, SK from April 27 to 29. Our chorus worked very hard leading up to this, and we are proud to announce and celebrate that our chorus earned 1st place in the small chorus division, and 3rd place overall!
We are also extremely proud of the quartets from our chorus, Chance!, and 3rd Time Lucky. They did amazing and we were thrilled to cheer them on from the audience!
Congratulations to all quartets and choruses from the weekend! We were so happy to be back together with our friends from Region 26 again (the last time we competed at Regional in person was in 2019).
We also enjoyed so many events that took place that weekend, including first nite, a mass sing in the mall (co-directed by our own Lisa Hunszinger), family chorus (directed by our own Mary Teed), the banquet and AfterGlow, and an “Ask the Experts” educational session.
Our chorus would love to thank the judges, the volunteers, our regional representatives, our supporters who came to Saskatoon to be with us in person and those who cheered us on and supported us from home, those who attended and left us beautiful supportive notes at our “Friends and Family” night, and all of our amazing and knowledgeable coaches who have helped us prepare!
Here’s a few pics of the weekend, until we have our official stage photos :)