About us
Alberta Northern Lights Chorus is a dynamic group of women who are passionate about singing vibrant, a cappella, four-part harmony in a variety of styles. We empower every voice by enriching the singing experience through education, performance, and competition. Welcoming diverse singers, we create a safe, inclusive, friendly environment.
Alberta Northern Lights Chorus is sharing the musical journey in the pursuit of excellence through friendship, education and performance.
Alberta Northern Lights Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through performance, education and competition. This independent, nonprofit music education association has nearly 25,000 women as members.
Alberta Northern Lights Chorus enjoys performing for our community. We sing at a number of local events such as Canada Day celebrations at the Edmonton Valley Zoo, Celebrate the Season at the Alberta Legislative Grounds each Christmas, and Derby Day at Northlands Park. We also enjoy singing at private events such as weddings, anniversary parties, Christmas celebrations and local seniors homes.
Alberta Northern Lights Chorus competes annually in Sweet Adelines Region 26 Competition and in the fall of 2022, competed in International Competition in Phoenix AZ. We also host a Friends and Family night each year as well as hosting a formal show every other year.
We are available to sing at your next function or event. If you're looking for a unique musical experience to liven up your event, please check out our "Media" section.
Coach Pat Fry 2022
“Keep calm and Sing the Song!
Coach Tim Marron
Coach Becki Hine
Coach Joey Minshall
In addition to sharing our music with others, another great passion of ours is learning more about the art of a cappella singing. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals and a very important component of the chorus experience.
A few times each year, we receive coaching from a visiting master in the art of barbershop, where we learn many fabulous tricks of the trade.
In the spring of every year, Alberta Northern Lights Chorus participates in the Region 26 Sweet Adelines competition. Competitions are a special time for quartets and choruses from our region to come together to sing for each other and get some constructive feedback from a panel of judges.
The winners of the regional competition in both quartet and chorus categories get to travel to International Competition, which is held in the fall in a city selected each year. In 2022, Alberta Northern Lights Chorus competed in International Competition in Phoenix AZ.